Music Applause, hello everyone, Mrs. Kendal Trotter, or Las Vegas broker salesmen out here today showing you an awesome rental property. - I apologize for the audio on this one as I forgot my external mic. - Anyway, I'm in the far northwest part of town and this appears to be an American West model. - But this place is really nice. It is a four-bedroom, two and a half bath with a pool. - It does accept pets for $2495 a month. - And guys, I gotta tell you, there is not one stitch of carpet in this whole house. - So all you carpet lovers out there, this is a place for you. - Maybe this nice tile and we have a little step-up, we have engineered wood floors. This is a really nice place and it is clean, clean, clean, a perfect ten. - There's a fireplace in your family room and you also have one in your living room. - This would be your formal dining, this may be a little dark actually couldn't find the light switch, this house is so big. - Here's your half bath downstairs, about this time of work, and there's your mirror. - So you have to stand over the potty to look at yourself, obviously, they didn't put it there because they put the tile up. - This should be your living room laundry area, let's see if we can find it right here, here we go. - So this comes with the washer and dryer, three-car garage in here. - Alright, guys, so over here, we have a huge family room. - This is the best part, it comes with a free TV, man, probably a 65-inch one. - One thing you'll notice about this house, in most...
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Sf 3107 Form: What You Should Know
Periodic Application for Post-Retirement Disability Federal Employees Retirement System (EARS) Forms ; (SF-3107A), Application for Post-Retirement Disability (EARS), (SF-2821), Continued Obligation to Make Continuing Obligation to Make Continued Obligation to Make Application for Continuing Benefit Annual Financial Review Annual Financial Review (FR) Form ; (PFR-21-1) The annual FR will be completed using the required information and will be used for determining the Determining Spousal Benefits Determining Spousal Benefits Form ; (PFR-21), Statement of Spouse's Benefit Obligations Post-retirement Disability. When a retiree is determined to suffer from Post-Retirement Disability benefits are determined to be Available for payment. However, this determination must be made by the employer after consulting with the Retired Federal Employees Insurance and Annuities Management Agency (FERMI) (PFR-51). In most cases this process will be completed in the first calendar month following the retiree's normal retirement date.
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